Friday, February 11, 2011

Levels Of Trance States

All of us have an ability to relax. The state of relaxation is when our sense organs have been shut off and they are not responding to any stimuli. There is a feeling of floating and flowing. A still ness appears in our mind. A silent vibration is felt. It seems as if all that our mind was occupied with seems to have become empty. But is the mind really empty? Who feels the void in thoughts? Is it ever possible for the mind to be without thoughts? Let’s find out the process of making our mind calm and possibly thoughtless.

Light trance State

·         Sit down in a comfortable place. Do it now.
·         Switch off all external devices like the mobile or television which could disturb you during the process.
·         Focus your eyes on an object a few feet away.
·         As you focus on the object stare at it till you feel your eyelids becoming heavy.
·         Suggest –“My eyes are becoming heavy”. After a few minutes your eyes would feel heavy and now focus on your breathing.
·         Watch your breath move in and out of your nasal passages. Just watch, don’t say anything. No chanting or mantra is to be used.
·         This is watchful breathing.
·         As you keep at it for a few minutes more you will observe that there is a calmness spreading within your mind. The mind seems to be chattering lesser and lesser.
·         You have got into an alpha state. In this state the brain waves have slowed down to 8-16 cycles per second and there is peace.
·         This is the light trance state. In this state people do not generally get visuals but are able to imagine. So during a past life session if the subject has got into a light trance state I would ask them to imagine what the body looks like? 
·         Remember you can only imagine what exists. So don’t get concerned about whether what you are saying is a real past life or not.

Medium Trance State

The brain waves begin to slow down further and reach a 4-8 cycles per second frequency. As the body consciousness retards the soul consciousness begins to surface. Here subjects feel more than they think. I have found that those who are able to enter this trance state are activating their feeling or emotional body or manmaya kosha and hence most of them have a cathartic experience.

As the manamaya kosha or the emotional body begins to activate the subject begins to cry and shiver. When asked, ‘What do you see below your feet?’ They will say, ‘I feel the ground below is rough or wet.’ Visions may come hazily but the feeling or sensation is strong. Such people have activated their theta waves and this activates the hippocampus region of the brain which is the seat of emotions. The past life an emotion which is entangled with the trauma which is being investigated begins to get released and the subject will have a cathartic or a more vivid experience.

Deep trance State:
About 25% of the world population could access deep trance levels. Here the brain waves become slower. They are 1-3 cycles per second. In this state the waves fluctuate and many subjects will report that sometimes they can hear the therapist’s voice while at times they feel they are asleep. It is here that the mind is so silent all the chatter has stopped and so the suggestions are placed deep inside the subconscious. During past life therapy there are times when people are in this state. It is like a dream but they are able to speak and release and when they return to alertness they may have forgotten some of the details. The deep theta- delta state is fascinating as it is very visual and the lifetime is viewed more like a movie, with images clear and the audio of the picture is switched on too.

Do not feel that you must get into this state to experience a past life. You are unique and so the route to getting information from your past life is also unique. Allow yourself to practice the alpha state meditation regularly so your mind begins to get used to act like a receiver. This will help when you attempt a past life session.

“Trust the soul to show you what you need to see. It knows how to present the information to you. It will use the sense most suitable. Vision, tactile or the power of intuition.’
More on how to access through each one of them next time.

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