Sunday, February 6, 2011

Let God Speak

When I speak;
God speaks
through me;
Make me a divine tree
Make me a twig to think of thee
Make me a petal to caress and be
Make me a leaf that flutters and falls
Make me a grain that grows tall.
Make me a seed that stays still for long
When it sprouts its words just fall
Into silence; somber and soundless
Make me a quiet dropping dew
Make me a hushed cuckoo
Make me a wave bobbing up
Make me a blue smiling pup.
The voice less speaks in rhythmic rolls
The glitter of God beholds
Magic and glimmer and glow
Melting love in every soul
My purpose is Gods own
Speak through me
Words with wings afloat.

1 comment:

  1. When you speak, its the divine flowing through you bringing in the glow in my life. Thank you for Being you and allowing God's messages to come through.

    Love and Hugs :) ,
