Sunday, December 23, 2012

Walking Meditation

All of us spend some time walking every-day. Some of us walk home from work, others walk their children to school, visit the market or take their pet for a stroll. It does not matter what the time of the day is.. the meditation is done while you walk.

Walking can get you to reconnect to your soul. It can teach you about your feet, breath, heart and the rhythm of the soul. A walk can give you personal insights and revelations. The various twists and turns on the path can correspond to your life events.

The five fold rules for walking meditation:
1)  As you take the first step focus your attention inwards.
2)  Set an intention. An intention is a question or statement that a person in search of guidance sends to the universe. It can be a prayer like ‘I am open to receiving guidance about ( specify the issue)  
3)  Choose a specific mantra to calm your mind. You can also focus on your breath inhale and exhale as you take the first few steps to un-clutter your mind.
4)   As you know walk just focused on the breath and in rhythm in some time the guidance will appear.

Walking meditation is so unique that by the end of your thirty minute walk you will feel rejuvenated and the belief in your power of intention manifestation will grow.
Practice it and do let me know how it has benefitted you.
Happy walking!!!

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