Tuesday, November 15, 2011

11.11.11 - Its Significance

There has been a great interest in this date world –wide and people have been wondering about its significance. Pregnant mothers have been queuing up at the gynecologists to get them to agree to deliver their baby dot at 11am or at least at an auspicious time on 11.11.11. I heard that there were more than 32,000 marriages that took place on this date and interestingly divorces too have kept their date with hope of success in separating from their partner.  I wonder what would have happened to the soul who decided to die on this date???
Why this frenzy? After all it’s only another date like 10.10.10 or next year we will have 12.12.12. Let me share with all of you my personal insights into this date phenomenon and make you understand that numbers have certain significance in our lives.
The number 11 means two ones. A single one {1} is ruled by the Sun. powerful, independence, radiant and a go getter. Nothing can stop a number 1 especially if it is your destiny or life path number.  This is the positive aspect of the number 1. But let us look at a birth- date 1st January 2011. How many ones are present in his birth date- four ones?  This indicates an over load of the number 1 and so the sun is blinding, strong, over powering and stubborn. This could be harming to one’s personal ambitions and growth. Similarly to have 11.11.11 means an over load of the ones.  Yet no one has spoken about the ill effects of this over load. Let us now look at the number 11 to understand its significance.
The number 11 is considered a master number. If we reduce it totals 2. This means it is ruled by the moon. When the moon is powerful creativity is high. This spiritual master number 11 is indicative of a focusing on balance between the spiritual and material that mankind will have to start creating.  The focus will shift to adding awareness, perceptions to understanding the capabilities we possess to create transformation.  This will help development of trust and intuition to tune in to forces beyond. This is a time to involve oneself into occult and psychic work. Mankind will wake up to believing that their channels of awareness and inspiration of psychic activity are opening up.  This illumination will be felt and he will begin to spread it across.  Will this happen to all at one time??? No it won’t. Who will benefit from this? How should we all prepare for this change??
As I pointed out the date 11 is repeated thrice indicating that there is an overload of the spiritual energy.  This indicates like the number 1 over load that 11 are showing its negative effects. Mankind is moving towards becoming more selfish self seeking.  Although he may attain much he will have missed the powerful lesson of balance.  There will be a phase of dissatisfaction and discontentment that the world is entering. Those who will not create balance and stability between their spiritual aspirations and material contentment will perish. They will suffer great emotional and physical discomfort.  They will fantasize a world where all is well but will not be able to realize it.  They will accomplish little and will experience a rise of nervous tensions. This could be kept hidden within due to unrealistic ideas coming from some spiritual mumbo-jumbo.  Please understand that even a kite or a balloon flies till someone is controlling it. Allow yourself to remain grounded balanced in this spiritual quest. Don’t give up your earthly responsibilities for some illusionary stupidity.  The number 11 can make you a spiritual master but it can destroy you if you over do its significance. Meditate but know that along with this are you dealing with all your relationships also in a meditative manner. Calmly, peacefully and accepting what is your lesson at this time. The time has come where impracticality will be seen everywhere. People will lose themselves emotionally by facilitating damaging relationships as he is not preparing himself for the change in vibration frequency that is about to happen in 2012.  Please remember to be spiritual you must understand the laws of the spiritual world.  Spiritual means to operate from an intuitive level all the time maintaining a very clear sattavic relationship with the material world. Do not negate the material embrace it spiritually. This is a true significance of 11.11.11.
The vibration frequency changes with the earth and its planet friends travel around the Sun. the Sun in turn orbits the Central Sun, Alcyone.  The Sun takes 26,000 earth years to complete one orbit around Alcyone. As the Sun travels we inhabitants on the earth encounter various kinds of energies. In 2012 we will encounter one such energy field as the Sun will enter the Photon belt. This was discovered in 1961 by Paul Otto Hesse though it has been later refuted by many scientists and astronomers for lack of scientific research. But then science has always rejected many theories before making them into doctrines.
The Photon belt is made up of highly charged ions believed to be several billions of miles thick and the Sun and our solar system will take 2000 years to come out of it. The earth will enter it in 2012 and so 11.11.11 is a date where we begin preparations to adjust to this new heightened vibrational frequency.  We will begin to feel as if time is moving faster and a day will arrive then all the man made systems may fail and government machinery will halt. This is not doomsday but a mechanical fault that will be corrected. It will be a year where death and destruction will mark the cleansing of lower vibrational frequency souls to exit. The year will be marked by drawing the Death card in the Tarot deck for total transformation is the key.  As beings adjust to the higher waves their physical bodies will become more pure and lighter. By the time 432 years are over human beings will be wiser and get in touch with their etheric self. No one on this planet will be experiencing this now. Of course we will possibly in another life in another era.  Satya Yuga or the Golden Age is still four centuries later and will last for 2000 years. 
If you want to be born in that period begin to transform and illuminate with wisdom. Allow yourself to sacrifice and burn your anger and lust. Begin the process of meditation and reaching for those cosmic forces that will become more and more powerful.  You will become a light being who will be able to adjust to the change if not then you will be born on another planet still battling dark forces.
By 2015 we will have entered the Photon belt and we will be entering the New Age so there is time for all of us to let go of hate and distrust, suspicion and suffering and become aware of the two choices- either grow spiritually or suffer.  For those who refuse to grow and evolve they will incarnate in a world that will be in tune to their spiritual condition.
There is a lot of assistance coming to you. higher guidance, excellent role models, highly advanced souls walking on this planet giving guidance, tapes , books, videos, songs, natural spas, spiritual therapy- all this so that people begin to get encouraged to create an awakening within them.  Remember no matter how much help you get, no one can do it for you. You will have to allow the desire to be ignited within your heart to evolve your consciousness to the level where you want to go.
So let’s understand what it is to grow spiritually???
ü  Spirituality is to lead a balanced life... not getting attached or addicted to anything even if it is ideas, thoughts, opinions, attitudes or way of life. Do not condemn anyone’s free will.
ü  Spirituality is sharing whatever you have.
ü  Spirituality understands what are your responsibilities and priorities.
ü  Spirituality loves all living and non living without being judgmental. This will take a long time but then one step ahead and you are closer to the goal.
ü  Spirituality is not being cruel not even to us.
ü  Spirituality is being true to oneself.
ü  Every moment speak from the space of spiritual learning and teaching.
ü  Spirituality is when my, mine and I dissolve into we, you and them.
11.11.11 is only a preparatory date for us to prepare for the next phase of our life. A portal in to the New Age.
As the Tarot card The HANGED MAN indicates suspended activity is needed as chaos will reign all around us. Please be quiet and meditate while the world goes through this transformation into a new era. I reccomend a day in a week or month where you go silent - Maun... this will conserve your energies and also get you to contemplate.... iTS TIME TO GO INWARDS.


  1. Thanks Truptiji, a very timely article! MAY GOD BLESS YOU!!

  2. :) such a lovely post, it should reach everyone, many things that i want to say but not able to write, and many things that i able to see but not able to get...
    thanks a lot dr trupti jain....

    the time is near and we all are trying our best to make humans understand this..
    rest divine father & mother wish...
    god bless you...

    Sunny healer aka etimaal.... :)

  3. One of the best and down to earth explanations i have read so far.....thanks for sharing Trupti

  4. Truptiji , i just had a doubt !!! was it 11.11.11 or 11.11.2011 ....i guess for our convenience we just mention or write the last two digits of the year.Should we not consider the entire year???..i mean all the digits of the year..In this case 2011 and not just 11 ...So in a way there was no 11.11.11

  5. Thanks for the wonderful article, btw does the photon belt thing and the mayan calender (end in 2012) have any connection? .

  6. Raghu Nayyar has said something apt that as the year 2011 and this adds to 4. the digit 4 is ruled by Raghu and so will create the upheavels too. this will also create delays, destruction and a sense of direction if we are going wrong as it begins to awaken us. so it is complementing the 11.11.11.
